We care.
Our holistic approach to pastoral care focuses on an inclusive work environment, on the wellbeing of staff and on the overall health and safety of your business. Strengthening connections among staff facilitates teamwork, improves performance and increases productivity.
What WE DO?
We are a social enterprise which supplies services to businesses and organizations in Te Tauihu, consisting of pastoral care in the employment relationship. We also provide recruitment services and immigration advice.
We understand pastoral care as a holistic service which focuses on an inclusive work environment, on the wellbeing of staff and on overall health and safety, helping everyone to achieve the best results and reach their full potential.
Our pastoral care work aims to meet the vision and the values of the Te Tauihu Intergeneration Strategy and Aotearoa Immigration policies. We ensure these are reflected in the workplace practices and that care and commitment are applied to integrate and support all staff members including the multicultural and migrant workers.
This approach will not only contribute to enhancing the quality of life of your employees, but it is likely to benefit your business and organisation in many ways, such as increasing productivity and performance, as well as staff retention, and innovation.
We aim at providing a service that is customized to the needs of each client. A client can choose among the following services or opt into all of the services that we provide as a package.
Our pastoral care service includes five steps:
Our vision is to enable a long-lasting employment relationship where both businesses and migrant workers can achieve their respective purposes in mutual and respectful collaboration, and to provide a pastoral service in workplaces that puts into practice our Te Tauihu Intergeneration Strategy Tupuna Pono Being Good Ancestors (2020).

Our people in workplaces are welcoming, healthy, safe and connected across generations, cultures, and distance.

Te Tauihutanga
Our people in workplaces are proud of their individual and shared identity and feel a strong sense of belonging. We treat each other with kindness and respect.

Our people in workplaces are knowledgeable, curious, and creative.

Decision-making in workplaces is collaborative, courageous, inclusive, respectful and acts for the long term. Enabling a long-lasting employment relationship where both businesses and migrant workers can achieve their respective aims in mutual and respectful collaboration.
We believe in:
- Shared values based on Respect for everyone’s values, and cultural and ethnic diversity.
- An inclusive work culture with an environment of collaboration where teams and individuals have a sense of belonging, participation, inclusion, recognition and legitimacy.
- Long-term relationships with robust commitment and a flexible approach to make it work.
Increase staff members’ wellbeing
We are guided by our Te Tauihu Intergeneration Strategy which includes the following outcome: Our people and communities are welcoming, healthy, and safe. Our people are connected across generations, cultures, and distance.
We believe that the businesses and organisations of our region are committed to achieving the wellbeing of their staff members: connection is one of the fundamental ways to measure wellbeing.
Our pastoral care works to strengthen those connections which capture social interactions, positive social contacts and the ability to engage with work colleagues. Strengthening people’s connections impacts on people's wellbeing, increasing teams’ morale and, in turn, their productivity levels.
Increase health and safety at work
Many accidents at work occur because of misunderstandings. Other health and safety issues like mental health problems may be caused by bullying and discrimination. These things can be prevented.
Our training workshops have a preventive and practical approach following which we assist by setting up systems for measuring the outcomes proposed. Measuring progress related to desirable outcomes; i.e. levels of participation, fair access to benefits, satisfaction with work environment helps to identify areas of strength and areas where further work is needed. The New Zealand Social Cohesion Baseline Report, 2022, states that measuring social cohesion is important because a community that values diversity functions better, is resilient, and can recover better in a crisis.
To enhance business performance
Our pastoral care work values the diversity of staff members as an asset for your business rather than a source of divisions. Excessive disparities in a workplace could cause tensions and stress. Yet diversity is increased by our regional younger generations entering the workforce and by our migrant workforce. The question for business is how to manage diversity so it becomes an asset rather than a potential source of conflict. The benefits of fostering inclusion in a diverse community were studied extensively in OECD countries. Some benefits may be:
- Increased economic performance
- Improved wellbeing of individuals
- Improved health and safety
- Increased retention rate
- Increased innovation and creativity
- Prevention of bullying harassment and racism
- Prevention of complaints
Meet immigration policies
Businesses employing migrants, for example RSE workers or skilled migrants needing accreditation, must provide pastoral care to their employees by assisting with the resettlement process. There is no single model on how to provide this service but generally it has to do with assisting with practical matters related to basic needs.
However, we believe that pastoral care should not just be a box-ticking exercise because, if an employer has to make an investment, why not make the most of that investment and try to get all the collateral benefits of a well-applied care policy.
The NZ Immigration Settlement Strategy states that social cohesion is the appropriate policy response for immigration settlement of groups and individuals and it defines social cohesion as the following outcome: “New Zealand becomes an increasingly socially cohesive society with a climate of collaboration because all groups have a sense of belonging, participation, inclusion, recognition and legitimacy”
Foster staff inclusion as envisaged in our Te Tauihu Strategy
We love to think of our businesses as a place where everyone is welcome, including clients and staff members of diverse cultures, skin colours, abilities, religions and genders . However, inclusion does not come automatically.
The Te Tauihu strategy sets out a vision for our region. Every organisation and business should work towards making this vision real. We have created a pastoral care service consisting of four distinct stages that can put these values into practice. Organisations and businesses working towards the same vision will have the knock-on effect of improving the quality of life in our towns and rural communities.
Meet our Team
We help organisations to make it work.